Monday, September 14, 2015

September 14th Questions

-These are Due September 18th.
-They are worth up to ten points - five points for an entry and I'd like everyone to make two entries at two different times.

Use what you have learned about philosophy so far and comment on one, two or all of these.  Read other comments and comment on the comments.

1)  We make ourselves rich by making our wants few (Henry David Thoreau).
2)   Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on it's ability to climb a tree, it will spend it's whole
      life believing it is stupid  (Albert Einstein).
3)   Some dream of lofty accomplishments.  Others stay awake and make things happen.


  1. I agree completely with all three. In number 2, Albert Einstein completely describes the U.S. school system. If we aren't good at certain subjects, we're automatically considered incompetent. Our futures depend on our test scores not on how hard we work or our street smarts and overall intelligence. Number 1, deals with greed. If we continuously want more, we'll never consider ourselves rich or happy because we constantly need more. Finally, number 3 encompasses how many people will dream and want but if we don't choose to work for what we want, we won't receive.

  2. All three of these statements make sense, in regards to personal beliefs. The first statement is about greed, and the potential benefits of not being greedy. The greed of the United States has enveloped the entire country into a new realm of debt that no one in our government is able to manage. The second statement deals with education, as the US Education system is an absolute failure to prepare children and teenagers for the "real" world. Trade schools would be a more useful type of schooling, along with the current education system. The third statement is about work ethic, and motivation. If one is motivated to make their dreams come true, they will succeed. If one, however, only dreams about their goals, they will not come true.

  3. I find all three of these to be true. Henry talks about being rich by wanting few. That is true, people who don't constantly need and are content with what they have they will be happier. By being happier that makes them rich. Albert Einsteins quote is probably the one I connect with the most in the sense that everyone is a genius. They may not be a genius in certain areas but everyone is their own genius in some way, but when people tear them down it makes them think of all their flaws instead of the good. The third statement is true in the world today. Every dreams big but instead of just dreaming, work hard and dreams will become reality. Our generation is getting lazier so the ones who are ambitious reach their goals just by setting their mind to it.

    1. I agree with all the quotes as well. Saying everyone is a genius is pushing it a little, but in a way it's true. People don't use the genius very ofter for "regular" people. Anyone who is really good at something they understand could be considered a genius. I think this quote means no two people are alike, so they can't be compared. I like your other opinions as well!

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    3. I totally agree! we make ourselves rich by being happy, not happy because of being rich. Instead of saying no one is a genius, we should lift the self esteem of others and say that everyone is a genius. Finally, instead of laziness, our lives should be used to make things happen and reach our goals so that our laziness at the end of our journey is more fulfilling.

  4. All of these statements are completely true and relatable to the 21st century. The first quote means we will be happier if we don't constantly remind ourselves of the things we want/don't have. I think people would be much happier if they acted more grateful for the things they do have because other people might dream of having things that we take for granted. Albert Einstein's quote is the definition of the school system, like Maggie and Ben stated in their comments. I do think, however, a variety of classes are necessary for a well-rounded person. ACT's also are in this category, but I do think they're important. The ACT has changed over the years. Colleges don't look precisely at the ACT score because one test shouldn't define a person's knowledge. Colleges look at GPA and extra-curricular activities which I think is very important for a student as well. In that sense, we need to understand everyone is a genius at something because no two people are alike therefore they will excel at different things.

    1. I agree that if we are more grateful for the things we do have we will be happier. The school system is a great example to go along with Albert Einstein's quote. Overall, I have very similar reactions to these quotes.

  5. I agree with these as well. I feel however the first one could be contradictory though. Rich doesn't mean just having a lot of money. One could say being rich is having a lot of possessions or having an abundant of resources, like happiness. So wanting things may mean wanting more happiness, joy, or peace which can conclude to being rich. In a normal sense of money, wanting less unnecessary items will allow you to have more money though. The second one is very true and accurate. I like the idea of not judging someone off of one thing they can't do well. For instance, someone could be really good at math and really bad at playing the trumpet. I'm not going to say they're a horrible person for not being able to play the trumpet. I think a person shouldn't be judge on what they can't do but what they can do well. The last one is also very important. It basically tells you that the people that get up and do something will get what they want, rather than the person who sits back and wishes for it. You have to put in the work to get what you want, not just wait and expect it to get handed to you.

    1. See I think I more closely agree to Becca's view on wealth and "riches" then in the original quote. I feel like Becca make's valid points throughout her post, however I personally took the last quote in a different direction, thought this point is good. I do agree you need to do something instead of just dreaming.

  6. I don't have much to say about the first one. I disagree with the first one I think that is the opposite of what one should do! The second one I feel is true for instance I know all five people who commented before me have higher grade point averages, but I feel I know more about construction than they do but it doesnt make one smarter than the other! Like my man macgyver he is the king of street smarts but I don't know how he would do on standardized testing. The third one is really the one that made me stop and think, like thats a great quote. I don't believe that good things have to people who wait, I believe to get what other don't you have to work like others won't. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. And I think the key to that is working hard! I dream with out a plan is just that a dream, to be successful you need a plan and a way of going about that plan.

    1. I agree with you on the first quote. The other two I agree with you as well. Especially your statement on the third quote about saying that's a good quote.

  7. Thoreau's quote concerns itself with not wanting much in life. When somebody lessens their desires only to achieve more realistic goals, they limit themselves. If you want something, you should try to find it, not just let it slip by. Somebody, however, may find life more enjoyable if they only want a few aspects in their life. They could make themselves "rich" in their own minds. One may find themselves unhappy with life if they wish to have many, many things. They could become empty handed and regret having so many aspirations. This all depends on your definition of "rich".

    1. I agree with your statement about the definition of being "rich". I feel as if people see the amount of money they have as being "rich". This is greed talking, the one of many most horrible human emotions. Greed fills the hearts of many people and thats wrong. I believe strongly in being happy with what you have, but working hard to achieve more. Life is not about money its about fining purpose.

  8. The third quote could be directed towards optimistic people versus pessimistic people or/and lazy people versus motivated people. Lazy people will dream big, but never reach their expectation because they’re stuck in a dream. Motivated people will only dream for so long before they take charge of their life to accomplish their dreams. Pessimistic people will say how they wanted to accomplish this or that but never had the chance or the situation wasn’t ideal, where as an optimistic person would fight through the unideal situation to accomplish what they put their mind to. Some pessimistic/lazy people set their expectations too high, therefore they can never reach their goals. Motivated/ optimistic people set high expectations, but they start small and over a period time they accomplish their goals. I believe a large goal should always be in mind, but you must start out with small goals that eventually compile into a large achievement. I believe Bryce interpreted the last quote like I did because working hard is the key to success. Having a plan and actually performing the plan is the difference between success and failure.

  9. I believe that Albert Einstein is correct in his statement. I think he is saying that everyone is smart in their own way. But if you judge people on how the "average" person is smart, then you will think they are dumb. However if you acknowledge the wisdom they have in what they like or know then you can truly see how smart they are even if it isn't the average "smart". I agree with this because I don't know a lot about astrophysics, but if you ask me about MMA I know a lot. I believe everyone is smart in their own way, and I agree with Einstein.

    1. And no one's true definition of smart is the exact same. Some people may judge by 'street smarts' or smart academically. Einstein was absolutely correct, and he accurately describes how the American education system is broken.

  10. I agree with Bryce, wealth is not gained or lost by getting what you want. It's about the amount of "work" you put into something. If you are good at what you do and you reach a certain point in making good money then you get what you want. If you don't have money for what you want then you have to do something about it. You don't like being broke then simply get a job. I completely agree with #2. It is so true, people can get into the minds of those who are less mentally strong and make them believe they are worthless. You however cannot make someone feel anything, they choose what to feel. The way it works how someone makes someone feel bad is when a kid decides its a good idea to put this kid down everyday and the kid really starts to believe what the "bully" tells him. Thats all that kid knows then. It's hard to reverse that thought, you really need to let yourself determine what/who "YOU!!!!" are. The third quote is a very powerful quote. Again I agree with Bryce because, there needs to be a plan for you to reach your dreams.

  11. I believe that people are able to define and create the world as they wish to see it. Certainly if one views very little as needed or wanted they would be able to consider their selves richer then those whom would view more material items, or personal goals. I guess I understand where Thoreau is coming from, however I don't fully believe he makes the best examples. Einstein I whole heartedly agree with although I wish there was more context to how this was originally used. Was he he judging society in general, American education, or German education? I mean I think that he was correct in respecting all individuals have different skills sets and "better" and "best" are hard to measure in general. The third quote I disagree with completely as I think that as a social construct we need both "thinkers" and "doers" and if they don't work together you have a society either doesn't get any new advancements, or has no one to complete these advancements.

  12. I agree with the first statement. The fewer things you want the less you feel you need and to some like me the definition of rich is having everything you want and need. I believe the second statement is true because everybody is a genius in their own way and you could go through life thinking your not good enough for the thing someone tells you, you need to do as and example if your an expert in math and not good in science and your parents want you to be a science teacher you will probably think your not good enough. I agree with the last statement

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  14. The quote by Henry David Thoreau is saying that we do not have to have a lot in our life to live happily. Being rich doesn't mean that you have to live a luxurious lifestyle of have a lot of money, being rich can also be being content and living a joyous life with what you have. If you look up the definition for "rich" the word abundant is listed. I take this as you can be abundant in happiness. The way you interpret this quote depends on how you define "rich." Einstein is trying to say that every individual is different and we should not all have to meet the same standards as one another. I believe that he is trying to get across that we all have strengths and weaknesses and when you judge a person by their weaknesses they can feel worthless.

  15. The second quote can be applied to the schooling system in the United States. Some people will have greater success than others in school. This, however, does not truthfully say that those people are smarter than the others. School is not a test of intelligence, it is a test of obedience and hard work, which is what most people need to succeed in the modern world. To the people who do not succeed in the areas where others perform very well, they can sometimes feel like they are stupid or worthless, as stated in Einstein's quote. If you are a fish, you have no reason to be in a tree. You must find what you enjoy and excel in and life, and run with it. You shouldn't listen to others who say you are no good, because you are to decide what you are.

  16. I also agree with the third quote. For this one I think it is saying that if you want something done you need to make it happen. You can't be lazy, and you can't let it slip by. You need to be motivated and make things happen. In order to be great, this is necessary. I completely agree. Nothing in life comes easy and work is necessary to be great and accomplish your goals.

  17. If I were a bass, I might hide high in a submerged tree - would that be like climbing it? My wants are few - just a castle along the Baltic Sea, and a Porsche. But what happens if you are awake, but daydream a lot, and then accidentally win the lottery and then give half of it away to feed the poor (and use the other half for the castle and the Porsche) did you stay awake and make things happen? .........I'M KIDDING!!

    You all have very good answers and I enjoyed reading them. Way to put some philosophical thought and reasoning into your comments, and I enjoyed the level of respect and rational disinterestedness you used in your evaluation of each other's answers. These are hard questions, they need a lot of evaluation, and it looks like you did some of that collectively.

  18. The second quote really makes me think, the first time I read it it made me think that it was something stupid people used as an excuse but after reading calebs and bens statements on it I feel it is true everyone is smart in some way shape or form. Smart could be money smart like one knows how to save well, one could be health smart even knowing how to diet well. I like this quote .

  19. Howard Gardner says that there are multiple levels and types of intelligence and we often evaluate one level or type with another level or type's standards.

  20. I agree with the second quote because if you ask somebody who reads everyday and does concealing all day to help you fix a part on your car he/she probably `wont be able to help you because they don't know as much about cars as a car mechanic would. Or if Mr. Thompson told me to write a paper with no flaws I wouldn't be able to do that because I didn't study writing like he did, but on the other hand if I told him to replace a seal on the passenger side discharge of a fire truck with a 9/16th ratchet wrench he probably wouldn't be able to do it because he's more than likely never done it before. And I also agree on number 3 because it is easy to dream about having the biggest farm in Iowa and making millions but when it comes down to it, you have to take classes, buy big equipment find land to grow on, and all these other factors that come into play, they just don't come out of nowhere, you have to make it happen because dreams are just in your imagination.

  21. 1)
    I would have to agree. If our goals are too broad, we likely won't accomplish everything we strive for. After all, we can only acomplish so much during our short time on Earth. By narrowing our view, we can put more time and effort into a few things, and be succesful in those fields.

  22. There's a lot to be said for #3. I think I completely understand what is meant here. You can plan and ponder all you want, but unless you actually put pen to paper, it doesn't matter. I've got several ideas for books and short stories, but all the time I spent planning these out will go to waste if I never make these ideas a reality. I wish I knew who this quote was from, because although it's very simple, there's a lot of truth behind those words.

    1. Some people dream of great accomplishments, while others stay awake and do them. – Unknown

      by Philosiblog on 9 November 2012 in accomplishment, action, doing, dream, flexibility, persistence
      Some people dream of great accomplishments, while others stay awake and do them. – Unknown
