Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Assignment Due Friday August 28th.

I saw this at the Creativity Center in Dubuque.

At first glance (“Prima Facie’), these all seem to work together.  Philosophically, however, some would argue that “Feel and See” are largely different concepts than “Think and Wonder”.   In fact, some would argue that they are in two totally different camps of epistemology.  How so???  Comment on that.  

Don’t worry about being right or wrong, just comment on it.  Feel free to comment more than once, to comment on other people's comments and to respectfully agree and disagree with each other. 


  1. If you were to put feel and see into one category and think and wonder into a different category they would be completely different. I even think that feel and see are different because you don't use the same part of your body to see as you do to feel, but think and wonder are almost the same because you use your brain to think of something and you use your brain to wonder about things. These four words that have been split into two categories I feel are different types of epistemology.

  2. I agree that they are different concepts, but I wouldn't go as far and say that they are on two totally different camps of epistemology. Physically, feeling and seeing are different than thinking and wondering because you can physically feel or see an object or someone, but you can't see a thought or "a wonder." However, many times when you feel or see something you relate it to a thought or you may wonder about it. Essentially, anytime you see something you'll have a thought on it so in many ways the two concepts are different but they also can relate to each other as well.

  3. Feel and see are two completely different concepts. When you put them together, however, they are related senses. When feeling something or seeing something, it triggers the other sense. Think and wonder are more opposite than see and feel because when a person thinks, they are remembering a time, moment, fact, etc. When someone wonders, they are letting their mind wander aimlessly, they're dreaming almost. Thinking leads to an answer or an unanswered question. Wondering can lead to anything you want without a specific destination in your mind. I would still split four ideas the way they are split above because feel and see are a real way to find something out physically. Think and wonder helps when the physical world can't provide anymore evidence to a question or thought. I believe all the ideas are closely related because one can lead to another. All are a part of epistemology because they all help us in the method of acquiring knowledge in different ways.

  4. I would somewhat compile all four into one category in relation to the brain, as the brain triggers and controls all of them. The four on their own, however, are separate. The two groups are definitely different when you break them down. Seeing and feeling are senses whereas thinking and wondering are not. In psychology, there are many more senses than just the five. Some believe there are about 21 senses such as balance, organic (controls hunger and thirst), and some that include thinking and wondering. When you break the four words down, they easily can be persuaded either way.

  5. When keeping epistemology in mind, "Feel and See" and "Think and Wonder" differentiate from each other. When somebody see's (if they are able), it can be considered kind of a "default" part of humanity. We always see, and sometimes those sights can trigger feelings. It is normal in every day life. Also, feelings can be categorized with certain sights or experiences. But when you "Think and Wonder", you are more within the ideas of epistemology. You are using your thoughts and wonders to break a certain level of knowledge, or question it entirely. Both phrases differ but also connect, because sights and feelings can create thoughts and wonders, and vice versa.

  6. I believe that they are two different concepts in the factor that "Feel and See" is physical while "Think and Wonder" are something that happens internally. Think and wonder go deeper than the surface. They make your brain work and not just your hands or eyes. I don't think they are two totally different camps though because they don't stray to far from each other. They still help make connections. Like your eyes help you to see and your hands help you to feel and that wouldn't be possible without the help of your brain. The brain sends triggers to help your body with understanding everything.

  7. I believe that "Feel and See" and "Think and Wonder" fall into two different categories. I believe that seeing and feeling separates, because you can not have physical contact with an emotion. The physical contact from feeling or seeing something can create an emotion, but can not take part in the whole of epistemology. When a person thinks and wonders they are using a major part of epistemology, because they are dealing with the actual process of the idea of knowledge and curiosity to make their own ideas.

  8. Feeling and seeing are used primarily in the physical world, while think and wonder are used in a mental setting. While they can certainly overlap and affect each other primarily feeling and seeing involve an interaction. Thinking and wondering involve discovery and identification through one's less physical mind. .

  9. These 4 subjects all fall into the same category, by the essence of each. They are all ideas, but only two are physical. Feel and see are the more physical of the four, but they all have essence and an idea that makes them what they are.

  10. Seeing and feeling are for physical properties, where as thought and wonder are for deep ideas such as creationism and evolution you can't see and feel those things but you can think and wonder about them all day if you wanted.

  11. You can physically see and feel, mentally think and wonder, but things you think and wonder can become things you see and feel. You can create what you think and feel and bring it into the physical world where you can see and feel it. This sign could be trying to promote this.

  12. Feeling, seeing, thinking, and wondering are all things that people can do but only feeling and seeing are physically possible to accomplish. Thinking and wondering are only able to be done mentally. But they all accomplish the same thing which is to discover new things, because you can feel, see, think, and wonder to discover new ideas or things.

  13. Once you physically see or/and feel something you know for sure that it's is real. If you think or/and wonder about something you don't know for sure if it's real or not. You have to think and wonder to make something you feel and see.
