Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Assignment Due Friday August 28th.

I saw this at the Creativity Center in Dubuque.

At first glance (“Prima Facie’), these all seem to work together.  Philosophically, however, some would argue that “Feel and See” are largely different concepts than “Think and Wonder”.   In fact, some would argue that they are in two totally different camps of epistemology.  How so???  Comment on that.  

Don’t worry about being right or wrong, just comment on it.  Feel free to comment more than once, to comment on other people's comments and to respectfully agree and disagree with each other. 

Monday, August 24, 2015

August 24th 2015:

Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) was an extremely famous painter world-wide (probably the most famous in the 20th Century).  He was born in Spain but lived a lot of his life in France.  He is known for Cubism, which is kind of like using squares and rectangles to make various paintings; and Surrealism, which is artwork that sort of tries to tie reality and dreams together. 

He was kind of a brassy person, and he always had a lot to say.  He had a lot of famous quotes about art, and they get used a lot - sometimes in philosophy.  

In the quote below, and applying it to life in general, rather than just art comment on these two things:

1) Do you agree with this quote, disagree or some of both?
2) Why?

You can comment on other people's answers, as long as it's appropriate and you can also re-comment after you already commented.