Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Question:  10 points for a thoughtful answer.  Try using other comments to design yours.  There is no right answer.

  1. Do both Hedonism and Stoicism exist simultaneously in American Culture, and if so how?


  1. I believe both Hedonism and Stoicism absolutely exist simultaneously in our culture. People in America participate in many pleasing activities and are free to do so as long as it isn't illegal, but others also believe in fate and that soulmates do exist. Many people in America believe in God and many believe there is no God. We are such a diverse country that both are allowed to coexist. People tend to believe in both ways of life at some point in their life; this does not make them hypocrites, but human.

  2. After listening to our class discussions, I do think that Hedonism and Stoicism do exist in our culture because everyone strives to find something that pleases them and makes them happy in life through Hedonism. Much of Americans believe in Stoicism also, because many people that "If it's meant to be, it will be." They believe that everything that happens, happens for a reason even if we can't always find the answer.

  3. The idea of America as a "melting pot" is so true in multiple aspects. Not only races or religions differ, but ideas and philosophies as well. People are both joined together and severed apart through their beliefs about life and purpose. Hedonism and Stoicism coexist within entire groups and within one person at a time. Some people are committed to the Stoic idea that everything is connected, it happens for a reason, soulmates are real, and there is a plan for each "role" in life. Others are committed solely to existing for pleasure and being happy through many mediums - physical, mental, spiritual, etc. Each of these ideas may be different, but humans are so complicated that many of us individually believe in several prospects of the two philosophies.

    1. You're right - lots of philosophical movements exist both collectively and individually.

  4. I believe that Hedonism and Stoicism most definitely both exist in American today. People believe in soul mates, but also believe in doing what brings them pleasure. Many people believe in the "everything happens for a reason", while others believe we make our own decisions and everything that happens is because of us. Both people exist in America because we are such a diverse country.

  5. In today's society people have a hard time categorizing themselves into one specific way of thinking. By both coexisting at the same time it creates our society. Previously different groups of people sectioned off to their own specific groups and didn't mingle, as of now multiple ways of thinking collided into one. Today everyone partakes in the "pleasurable" spectrum of Hedonism while still possessing some form of belief in fate. One can still exist without the other but it will rarely be found in society.

  6. I think they are both part of our society, but we don't understand the criteria of ether well enough to coincide a difference to society without it. Stoics would believe in a love at first sight, everything will happen for a reason, and we do have a soul mate somewhere out in the world. With hedonism we can pursue all that makes us happy, good or bad. A free world with no boundaries. But what if we did have walls. We did not talk about everything on our mind but nothing was set up for us. We had to try and find something or someone to make us happy even if they are not meant for us to be together. But we can't purpose all that makes us happy because that will hurt our image in society, or an outcast to the norm.

  7. I believe that both of these are part of American culture. Many people believe that somewhere out there in this world, their soulmates exists and when the time comes, he or she will appear in their lives. Others believe the opposite. They don't believe in a soulmate. Some people also think that everything happens for a reason and that there is a reason behind everything while others believe that everything happens becuase of us humans.

  8. I believe both exist in our society, because I think thats what makes a society is the different beliefs of other people. What would the world be like if everyone was just hedonism or just stoicism? I believe that you can be both. Many people are dualism.

    1. I agree that dualism seems to be the norm in America with these two topics.

  9. I believe both exist in our society, because I think thats what makes a society is the different beliefs of other people. What would the world be like if everyone was just hedonism or just stoicism? I believe that you can be both. Many people are dualism.

  10. I really believe there is hedonism in the American Culture, but also so does Stoicism because most people aren't just one or have characteristics of both. We live in a society and country where you can be and believe whatever you choose. Everyone wants to have pleasure and enjoy life. Some peoples' pleasure may be fishing, hunting, sports, or reading, but those same people could believe that everything happens for a reason and there is fate. They are reading a book at that very moment for that very moment like they are predestined. Dualism is in American Culture more than any others, but we also live in a society where Dualism is acceptable.

  11. I believe stoicism and hedonism exist together today in American Culture. They might contradict each other with some of the beliefs, but they work with each other. You might believe everything happens for a reason but think you have a true sole mate. Now that's hypocritical but many believe in both. Also you might find pleasure in a hobby of yours but if something goes wrong it's fate and that's the way it's meant to be.

  12. Hedonism and Stoicism are both essential in what we see as an American ideal. Even those who grow to have large families whom they provide for and allow their happiness to lie in, such as stoics do as they pursue a virtuous life, often move toward well paying careers instead of virtuous ones (Broker vs. Nurse and so forth). Many people who put family in front of themselves in a stoic manner also attempt to provide for that family more than what is necessary to bring into light a hedonistic attempt at satisfaction. This is only one example of an American example that skews the two beliefs, but it is one I often see and I had never thought anything of until we discussed the striking polarity of our ideals in class.

    1. You should consider reading some Danial Boorstein on pseudo events.
      Good insights!

  13. In American Culture today Hedonism and Stoicism both exist simultaneously in society. People can both engage in activities that give them pleasure while holding the belief in fate and soul mates. This is an example of dualism and many individuals fall into this category. If both did not exist in our society our cultures diversity would suffer.

  14. It is, in a way, healthy for Americans to have a balance of both. Generally, this is true for the larger population. We balance out the "selfishness" of Hedonism with the "selflessness" or Stoicism. We do what we love because a miserable life is just not cool, but if we just did what we want then we aren't contributing to society. There's a give and take. We can pursue our interests, but we must still think of others. Some believe we all have a purpose that will play out for us, and others believe we must discover our own purpose. Yet we can still believe happiness is the main goal, but it may also be our fate/destiny. There are many forms, but just being one sided is not really the norm.

  15. I definitely believe both Hedonism and Stoicism exist in American Culture. Just like we discussed in class, many Americans believe in dualism rather than just one philosophy. We also learned in class that there are many different forms of Hedonism (it's not all sex drugs and rock and roll). That being said, people can and often do things that make them happy and believe in fate and soul mates at the same time.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I believe both Hedonism and Stoicism exist in our American culture. Many of us are controversial on our views because we design them to our own standards. While some are Catholic, they believe in every day pleasures such as money, happiness, and social gatherings. Believing in soul mates, which many stoics do, is also partaking in a common pleasure. Love.

  18. The way I see life is going to differ from maybe the average person that works from 7 in the morning to 6 at night. One difference right off the bat is the fact that they are working an actual job while I'm in school. Another thing I would imagine is they way they get there pleasure. I am able to play sports and hang out with friends everyday after school, while this person may have a family they have to take care of or cook dinner every night for. This is where I see the facts of pleasure come into our lives. And it might just be a little bit of growing up too.
