Monday, January 12, 2015

Check your emails - I added a couple of pictures. 

Over the weekend I was at the “Creativity Center” in Dubuque.  It was kind of a self-pottery making place, with a some painting, a Lego station, some small machine things, and some opportunities for classes for both kids and adults.  We were just looking around to see what it was.  I took a couple of pictures there that I want you to comment on – on the blog.   Notice the first picture:  “Feel, See, Think Wonder”.  At first glance (“Prima Facie’), these all seem to work together.  Philosophically, however, some would argue that “Feel and See” are largely different concepts than “Think and Wonder”.   In fact, some would argue that they are in two totally different camps of epistemology.  How so???  Comment on that.  Don’t worry about being right or wrong, just comment on it.


For the second picture, Pablo Picasso was a very famous European painter, sculptor and print-maker and he was also a poet and playwright.  He would be considered an a major authority on aesthetics, and a reliable source for art in general.  Since I didn’t know what he meant by his statement I thought I would ask you.  What does he mean?     


Use the blog to comment on these


10 points.  Due by this Friday – January 16th.

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