Saturday, March 16, 2013

Assignments for Philosohy 101


For Friday March 21st:
         -Read  pages 5-12 and do the self-test on page 7
         -Pages 21-25 section called "Fields of Philosophy"
         -Page 33-36  on Bertrand Russell

There will be a quizz on Friday over the above readings.  I want you to think about what Bertrand Russell feels the aim or purpose of philosophy is.

For Monday March 25th
     -48-49 section called "Stoicism's Cynical Origins"
     -50-51 section called "The Stoic Universe"
     -52-53 section called "Purpose of Life"
     -55-56 "Emotions in Life, and "How to Progress Morally".

Also:  -You should bring both 'self-tests" you took on Thursday with Mr. Simon.
          -You need to tune into the blog - of course if you're reading this you are :), AND I'd like you to
             comment on the first question I posted about fate vs. free will.   

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